Sunday, September 28, 2008

Defender of Democracy

In an interview with the Sunday Independent today Libertas leader Declan Ganley claimed that he ‘caught the European Union by the beard and I smote it,’ in this way ‘delivering Ireland out of the paw of Brussels.’

Since his June victory the Libertas leader, one of a small number of Irish people to speak with an English accent, has never been seen without a helmet of brass on his head and five smooth stones in a sling. The stones do not have their origins in the EU.

Mr Ganley, a man of ruddy countenance and mysterious wealth, also revealed that he sent the late Liam Lawlor on a humanitarian mission to Albania. ‘I wanted him to warn the people out there of pyramid schemes.’

In the manner of another Fianna Fail Minister Mr Ganley has sought to draw in line in the sand on the subject of Libertas’ funding. His ‘clear and concise’ clarification is as follows:

‘We complied with the rules to the letter. Finished.’

Mr Ganley admitted he admires Henry VIII, who is best remembered as Defender of the Faith. ‘Henry was a man who was faced with bureaucracy, not from Brussels, but from Rome. Like Libertas, he refused to be told how to run his domestic affairs by the diktats of a foreign organisation.’

Mr Ganley will speak on the Lisbon Treaty at UCD this Tuesday evening.

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