Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sarko bothered & bewildered by Irish

What part of You Must Vote Again don’t you understand? asked a baffled Nicolas Sarkozy at Government Buildings this week.

‘There's no reason to be angry when you say to a nation that at some stage or another, you will have to be consulted. In a democracy that's the very least one can do.

I believe that in a democracy you have to keep consulting the people. You have to constantly ask them – what do you think about this now? People change their minds all the time. If that makes some groups angry then I’m sorry, but that’s democracy. And I take my hat off to the Greeks for coming up with it.’

‘Ireland is passionate about Europe, Ireland has not rejected Europe,’ Mr Sarkozy added.

‘I do not regret for one second having come over. I’m just sorry I missed lunch and am leaving before dinner. I hear Irish cuisine is really tops. I want to express to Brian [Cowen] my feelings of friendship, confidence and support in finding a way out of the situation that Ganley, apathy, ignorance and ingratitude have landed us in.’

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